When does keto stop working?

The keto diet took the world by storm, promising rapid weight loss and a metabolic switch to fat-burning mode. But what happens when the initial magic fades, and the scale stubbornly refuses to move down? Fear not, fellow keto adventurer, this doesn’t necessarily mean keto has stopped working!

Many people hit a plateau, where weight loss stalls despite following the plan. This can be frustrating, but it’s often a sign you need to tweak your approach, not ditch the entire diet.

Here’s why you might be stuck and how to get that keto mojo back:

  • Carb Creep: Keto relies on staying in ketosis, a state where your body burns fat for fuel. Sneaky carbs hiding in sauces, snacks, or even some veggies can unknowingly bump you out. Double-check those labels!
  • Calorie Conundrum: Weight loss boils down to burning more calories than you consume. Even on keto, exceeding your calorie needs can halt progress. Track your intake to ensure you’re in a deficit.
  • Metabolic Meltdown: Our bodies are clever and adapt to changes. As you lose weight, your metabolism might slow down to conserve energy. Spice things up by incorporating short bursts of exercise to keep your metabolism guessing.
  • Stress Monster: Chronic stress wreaks havoc on hormones, potentially slowing down weight loss. Prioritize sleep, relaxation techniques, and activities you enjoy to manage stress.

Remember, the scale isn’t the only measure of success. Focus on how you feel, increased energy, better fitting clothes, and improved blood sugar control can all be signs of keto’s positive impact.

If you’re still struggling, consider consulting a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian experienced in keto. They can help you personalize your approach and ensure you’re on the right track for long-term success.