What are the ways to fight obesity?

Obesity is a chronic disease affecting an increasing number of children, teens, and adults. There are several ways to fight obesity, and these include:

Improving Eating Habits and Increasing Physical Activity:
Healthy eating habit as well as keeping a food diary of what you eat, where you were, and how you were feeling before and after you eat can help in monitoring eating habits. Increase consumption of a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Portion control and mindful eating can also help manage calorie intake. Eating five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily is recommended for adults. Finding ways to get even 10 or 15 minutes of some type of activity during the day, such as walking around the block or up and down a few flights of stairs, is a good start to increasing physical activity.

Healthy Lifestyle Strategies:
Avoiding large meals and caffeine before bedtime and increasing physical exercise to help the body relax better at night can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Getting good sleep, finding ways to reduce stress, and managing lifestyle factors such as a balanced diet, physical activity, and getting enough sleep are important for preventing obesity.

Change behavior such as setting realistic goals, keeping food and activity journals, identifying triggers for overeating, and finding alternative coping strategies for stress or emotions.

Raise awareness about the health risks associated with obesity and the benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle. Provide education on nutrition, portion sizes, reading food labels, and making healthier food choices.

Medical Management and Professional Support:

Provide access to healthcare services that offer obesity screening, counseling, and management, including medical interventions such as weight loss medications or bariatric surgery for individuals with severe obesity who have tried other means of sustainable weight loss programs that don’t work.

Early intervention and prevention efforts, particularly in childhood, by promoting breastfeeding, encouraging healthy eating habits from a young age, increasing physical activity opportunities in schools, and reducing exposure to unhealthy food marketing. Address environmental factors that contribute to obesity, such as food deserts (areas with limited access to healthy food options), the availability of unhealthy foods in communities, and urban design that discourages physical activity. Recognize and respect cultural differences in food preferences, traditions, and beliefs while promoting healthier options within culture.

Fighting obesity calls for a long-term, all-inclusive approach. Everyone, including people, local groups, healthcare workers, government officials, and various key players works as a team to make environments that encourage healthy
decisions and habits.
