Weight Loss For Beginners

 Just some info for those who are beginning their journey to a healthy and fit future. I don't claim to be a weight loss expert, however being that i have been regularly exercising and pushing to keep a steady status for quite some time now; there are a few things to keep in mind. This is mainly from self experience however also information retrieved over the years from the experienced ones in the field. 
First and for most, understand there is a fine line between weight loss and becoming a physical athlete; And strength muscle building and workouts to give you definition.
 If you are aiming to strictly to loose weight, its really as easy as calorie counting. If you want to drop weight fast and want to see physical differences in a timely manner; and did i mention free!!! Base your days on a 1,000 to a 1,200 calorie a day cycle. Just for the record, and some already know that the beginning is the worst, ya gotta have will power. A single meal from Hardees can have up to 1,500 calories alone if that tells you anything. I understand there are health conditions that can conflict the interests of this technique. I just want to recognize that in case anyone wants to slam the mallet down; so it may not be a fit for some. Its a pain staking task that gets easier over time. Don't take this as a low blow to weight loss programs. Certain tonics, smoothie diets and supplement diets they are awesome and I'm all for them. I'm simply sharing a strategy that will work if you can follow through.

Next is defining a physical and fit feature and you can do this right off the bat, again just my journey; and respectfully to each his own. The building of muscle is a whole different ball game and will require some huge attributes and some pretty solid understandings. know that if you are pushing yourself to the limits, that your gonna actually gain weight. We all know muscle weighs more than fat so don’t fool yourself. And with this, in-turn your going to increase your calorie intake, you have to if you want the muscle to build. Some of this is already known, so keep in mind this is pointed to the folks starting off. With this and an absolute must to obtain the most out of muscle building workouts and weight loss in general is a good sleep, i suggest a minimum of 8hrs. for quick turnover. Some people don’t understand, but the body has to heal; its a must. Lighter, yet more reps for definition and tone building at three sets. For strength building use a heavier weight and increasing the weight at each set for three sets. Three sets for me is the key to receiving a good workout session. Last but not least here it is. Have any of you been working out/exercising and you have simply hit a brick wall; not really loosing but not building either and you still haven’t quite achieved what your looking for. Well I’m here to tell you that regardless of how much you work your upper or lower body… ya gotta do both for optimum results. Both lower and upper have a drastic effect on how the other will build. Workem both!!! Oh yeah and don’t eat right before going to bed, preferably not within 2 hrs, eating right before sleep is a pound packer. This is a bad habit for some. Once you quit doing so you can almost feel a difference right off the bat. Feel free to throw in any of your own advice, knowledge is power.
I hope this helps and good luck.


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