This inspiration boost your confidence to weight loss

Weight loss story: This woman lost 17 kilos
with yoga and her transformation is jawdropping!

Being overweight brings with itself a host of health issues. When 36-year-old
Sonali Patranabish realised that her weight was getting out of hand, she
decided to take charge of her life. To know how she did this, read her
transformation story here

Name: Sonali Patranabish
Occupation: Homemaker
Age: 36 years
Height: 5 Feet 3 Inches
Highest weight recorded: 71 kgs
Weight lost: 17 kgs
Duration it took me to lose: 12 Months
The turning point: As the kilos piled on, I could feel that there were a lot of
things going wrong with my body. It was becoming increasingly difficult to
carry on with daily chores and I was also battling with several health issues.
Additionally, I would catch an infection every other month. That was the point I
realised that I needed to get back in shape to get healthy.
My breakfast: Breakfast is a very important part of every day, it has to be
filling and high on proteins as after a strenuous workout we would need heavy
breakfast. It is generally poha, idli or two chapatis with Indian curries.
My lunch: 2 chapatis, 1 bowl of dal, a portion of Indian curry, a portion of
salad and a bowl curd
My dinner: I make it a point to have dinner by 6 or 7 in the evening and do not
have anything post that or 3 hours before sleep.
Pre-workout meal: Banana or dates
Post-workout meal: Banana or dates
I indulge in: I rarely have cheat days as I enjoy eating everything in small
My workout: Yoga is a way of life for me and has helped me tremendously to
lose weight and get my life back on track. I attribute my yoga teacher Neelam
for my drastic transformation.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: I make it a point to eat all types of food items
but in moderation.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: We are capable of so much more than we realise
and exercise can help us take care of so many pesky healthy issues in our life.
How do I stay motivated? I have realised that there is nothing that you
cannot achieve if you put your heart and soul into it. I was extremely dedicated
to my weight loss journey and the results are motivating enough.
How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? I made sure to stick to the schedule
that I was following to lose weight. Discipline and willpower can help you
achieve anything in life.
What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? It was definitely battling
several health conditions and not being able to do daily chores with ease.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I believe that my
fitness journey has just begun. Not only I want to stay fit and continue this
journey, but I also wish to give it back to society. I have realised that our
fitness levels are very low and drastic measures need to be taken to rectify the
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have crossed out the following
products from my diet completely and it has made a huge difference:
2.Fried food
3.Bakery products
4.Frozen products
What was the lowest point for you? It was heartbreaking to not be able to do
day-to-day activities with ease.
Lessons learnt from weight loss: Dedication, determination and commitment
are the three pillars of fitness and without them, miracles cannot happen. It is
also important to understand that there is nothing like instant results. Hence,
you need to work hard and give time to achieve what you want.

you can also do the same things

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Hardwork and dedication pays off :clap: the extra you put in is what you gonna get :100: out