The Weight Loss Strategy :

What is the best strategy for getting fitter, losing weight, living a healthier life? Laurie Coots shares a few life-hacks that worked for her, starting with this: “Imagine your healthy future self and start living that life now.”

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so that was me in 2006. i weighed over 300 pounds i had triglycerides of 500 and i had …i now have a perfect lipid profile i have had a healthy normal blood sugar without medication for more than five years i am no longer a type 2 diabetic so thank you very much so if any of you have a health issue that you need to deal with or a life change you need to deal with i urge you to imagine your healthy future self and start living that life now break your journey down into little battles you can win become your own science experiment and come up with strategies that will last for two days or two years and most of all you need to start eating like your life depends on it because it does
thank you.

Watch the video link in the topic for more update about fitness…
if you didnt see this video now …you cant know how to control fitness…