The fizzy morning juice I wish I'd know about years ago

The Apple Cider Vinegar didn’t work for me. And dropping 236 to 131 at 58 years old, I know why. Turns out I was doing it right all along but there was just one thing missing…

Four years ago, me and my husband moved from Fresno to Tampa, Florida, and we where excited about the sun, the beaches, a new life.

There was just one issue: I was 236+ lbs and didn’t want to go anywhere near a beach.

After seeing several doctors and performing all the different tests. They kept telling me everything was normal. Yet no matter what I did I was stuck at the same size.

I felt miserable and depressed. I wasn’t active at all and I couldn’t do all of the things I wanted to.

That’s when a journey started in an unlikely place: a trip to pickup my favourite dessert.

I was stood queuing when I overheard a woman chatting about her transformation. I’d seen the same woman a few times in this same queue for desserts yet she looked like the complete opposite to me. She looked like she belonged in a gym.

I decided to ask her what she’d done and her reply was not what I expected. She told me about a fizzy juice she drank every morning.

Turns out, I was in the right place at the right time, and this trip to get dessert was the first stepping stone in changing mine and my husband’s lifestyle for good.

At first, I thought to myself that “nothing could be this easy”, but after my husband and I talked it over, we felt that it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot.

Now, we’re both getting compliments from friends and family, and I can finally enjoy these beautiful beaches!

Since that day, I haven’t run into the woman who planted the seed which began our journey, but I feel like it was meant for me to be there that day.

I really do wish I could thank her… words can’t express my gratitude. I haven’t felt like this in years. Tap below to see the same routine that I use each morning…

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