The definition of an overweight skinny person. How the condition work and what are the symptoms?s

The Definition of overweight skinny individuals means having lower than ideal lean body mass, which includes everything in the body except the fat, such as the organs, bones, muscles, blood, and skin.
Also means being a moderate weight or underweight but having a higher proportion of body fat than is healthy.
Some individuals who appear to have lean bodies are at risk of cardiometabolic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Healthcare professionals term this group of people Metabolically Obese, Normal Weight also known (MONW—- as skinny fat)

A study explained that, individuals with skinny fat may show signs such as:
Excess fat tissue around the internal organs.
Fat deposits in tissue that normally does not contain much fat.
Fat tissue inflammation.
Altered inflammatory and metabolic profile.
Reduced skeletal muscle mass .

Low cardio-respiratory fitness, which is the ability to use oxygen to move or exercise.
Researchers have also observed people with skinny fat may carry more body fat than people who are metabolically healthy and lean. The caused of skinny fat results from both genetic factors and environmental factors, including: Lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, Smoking, Alcohol consumption and other factors.

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