Medical Condition that caused Weight gain

Weight gain can have different symptoms base on its cause. The most typical signs are:

Edema (swelling) is a build-up of excess fluid that can cause weight gain. The extra fluid could signify menstruation, heart or kidney failure, preeclamsia (high blood pressure while pregnant), medication side effect.

Endoctrine Disorder, it impact the system responsible for hormonal balance and can be an underlying cause of weight gain.

Phychiatric conditions like binge eating disorder or depression- like binge eating disorder or depression can contribute to weight gain.

If someone suffered hypothyroidism - a condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone plays a vital role in regulating metabolism, so a deficiency can lead to weight gain.

Cushing syndrome occurs when you have too much of a hormone called cortisol.
Weight gain and increased body fat are some of the primary symptoms of Cushing syndrome, often appearing as:

  • Increased fat around the stomach and chest.
  • A buildup of fat on the back of the neck and shoulders that may resemble a hump.
  • Puffiness, roundness, or discoloration of the face.

Sleep Disorders sufferer: Conditions such as sleep apnea can disrupt normal metabolic processes and lead to weight gain.

Prolactinomas benign or non-cancerous tumors that secrete the hormone prolactin, may lead to weight gain. Apart from causing weight gain, prolactinoma also leads to low sex drive, infertility, irregular periods in women and breast growth in case of men. This tumor, if left untreated may cause visual disturbances, as the size of prolactinomas interferes with the function of other nerve tissues.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome -is one more disease that may cause unexplained weight gain. This condition occurs because of a dysfunction of a woman’s ovaries, thus leading to hormonal imbalance. The ovaries in women serve as the site for the production of a several number of sex hormones including estrogen, to a lesser amount of testosterone.

Menapausal- Menopause may increase the likelihood of weight gain, due to hormonal change, psychological symptoms, which may increase emotional eating or changes in dietary habits, possible decreases in physical activity due to aging or menopause symptoms.

Individuals with congestive heart failure may experience rapid weigh gain. This increase in weight is due to fluid buildup, known as edema, rather than an increased
in body fat.

Weight gain can be linked to certain conditions but usually these also come with an additional symptoms. If you’re gaining weight without a clear reason or have other worrisome conditions, it’s vital to see a medical professional for proper check-up and diagnosis.