Lose Belly fat at Home - backed by scientific studies

The trouble with belly fat is that it’s not limited to the extra layer of padding located just below the skin (subcutaneous fat). It also includes visceral fat — which lies deep inside your abdomen, surrounding your internal organs.

An observational study in over 1,100 adults found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber intake, belly fat gain decreased by 3.7% over a 5-year period

Here are 7effective “tips to lose belly fat”, backed by scientific studies.

  1. Eat Plenty of Soluble Fiber.
  2. Avoid Foods That Contain Trans Fats
  3. Don’t Drink Too Much Alcohol.
  4. Eat a High-Protein Diet
  5. Reduce Your Stress Levels.
  6. Don’t Eat a Lot of Sugary Foods.
  7. Do Aerobic Exercise (Cardio)

Find more here : Lose belly fat (Proven tips)

Some studies have linked a high intake of trans fat with increased belly fat gain. Whether or not you are trying to lose weight, limiting your intake of trans fat is a good idea.

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