I Tried a Tea Cleanse for 7 Days and This is What Happened

Shortly after I was born, my mother developed diabetes. It runs in our family; I lost an uncle to the disease, and I have other relatives who struggle with it. I remember the day I sat with her, after doctors had told her the limitations of Western medicine when it came to diabetes. I asked her about her time as a nurse in Korea, and what she knew of Eastern medicine. And the same word kept coming up time and again: Tea.

It had been a common drink in our house when I was young. And during a short stint back in Korea, I had rediscovered tea for myself. Now, with my mother’s life at stake, I knew I had to act. I threw myself into the research, using my parents’ medical background and my own skills as a journalist and dedicated foodie.

I tried this cleanse myself, and within 48 hours my waist was measurably smaller, and I felt lighter, more alert, and yet more calm. I shared it with my mother, and her 7-day journey brought her blood sugar under control, and her weight down by a shocking 9 pounds. And then she and I shared it with our friends, and the results were the same across the board. In just 48 to 72 hours, our friends reported noticeable changes in their body shapes, as though the tea were flattening their bellies from the inside.

Brazilian scientists found that participants who consumed three cups of the beverage every day for a week had fewer markers of the cell damage caused by resistance to exercise. That means that green tea can also help you recover faster after an intense workout. In another study—this one on people—participants who combined a daily habit of four to five cups of green tea each day with a 25-minute workout for 12 weeks lost an average of two more pounds than the non-tea-drinking exercisers.

In just one week on, you will lose up to 10 pounds of stubborn abdominal weight; look and feel leaner and lighter, without grueling exercise; reset your metabolism to help make weight-loss long-lasting and automatic; sleep more soundly and feel more energized; dramatically reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease; beat stress and bring complete calm to your mind.

I really recommend this drink. It helpt me so much! If your more interested in this tea drink.
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