How To Lose Weight In Just 15 Days

How to lose weight in 15 days in five easy steps:

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can lose a significant amount of weight in 15 days.

  1. A glass of warm water in the morning will work wonders for your metabolism

This is the easiest way to kick off your body’s metabolism. Start your day with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. What this concoction does is this: The warm water increases the temperature of your body, which in turn improves your metabolism rate. Higher the metabolism, easier it is for your body to burn calories. The honey will help you cut down the fat and gives you that much-needed energy boost soon after you’ve woken up. If you’d paid attention to your biology class in school you’d probably remember that lemons are rich in Vitamin C, which can help to break down your body fat when you exercise. If lemon doesn’t excite you, stir in a pinch each of dry ginger powder, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, black pepper powder and fennel seeds powder in a glass of warm water. Cinnamon will help reduce the fat that gets stored in your body, dry ginger helps reduces the urge to overeat and improves pancreatic activity and production of bile salts and thereby helping your body store less fat. Black pepper is known to aid metabolism and digestion and this in turn will speed up the breakdown of fat cells. Turmeric is known for its healing powers but did you know it also contains curcumin which is known to metabolize the fat in your body. And finally, fennel seeds act as a diuretic and produce more urine, thereby helping to flush out toxins and decreasing the amount of fluid in your body.

  1. Get rid of the junk food in your home

How often has your diet plan gone down the drain when, in a moment of weakness, you reached out to the tub of ice-cream in the refrigerator? The best way to stay on course is to simply get rid of all the junk food in your house. If you want to make the most of your 15-day weight loss plan, you need to clear out your fridge and throw out all the packaged and processed foods in your house. Love aerated drinks? Great! Throw them out too. Processed foods almost always contain some form of refined fructose, which makes your body absorb and store more calories and fat. This makes it difficult for your body to lose weight. Drinking aerated drinks over a period of time, even the diet variety, can stop you from losing weight, as they contain high amounts of calories, sugar and artificial sweeteners that deplete your body’s reserves of calcium, magnesium and vitamin A, all of which are important for a healthy and safe weight loss.

  1. Include unsaturated fats in your diet

As you probably know, not all fats are bad. Healthy fats, or unsaturated fats, will not just help you lower your cholesterol levels but also control your hunger pangs and reduce the total amount of calories you consume. These fats – found in fatty fish, chia seeds, nuts, olive oil, avocados, almonds, coconut and whole eggs – will also help improve your rate of metabolism.

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