How to lose weight in 7 days challenge

i have eight workout movements for you
to help you burn that stubborn belly fat
today’s workout is a seven day challenge
to lose belly fat all you gotta do is

join in with me in this workout where i
will be performing these eight movements
that have been specially hand picked
which will start working on that belly
fat as this is a seven day challenge i

*** 7-day weight loss challenge at home**

want you to come back and work out with
me for the next seven days after you do
this challenge for the next seven days
follow the right nutrition and trust me
you will surely see some real changes in
your body so let us begin this loose
belly fat in seven days challenge the
first movement that we have the good old
jumping jack so what you’re gonna do for
this you’re gonna jump out hands up
overhead and jump back in want to scale
it down step out and then repeat on the
other side let’s do this for 45 seconds
in three two and one
stay light on your feet
keep those knees soft make sure you’re
getting a big movement arms all the way
jump out and in
full body conditioning happening right
let’s keep moving
nice work team
stay with me
if you want to scale it down you can
step out and in
that’s also an option
getting fit together here
almost there
and we’re done in three
two and one nice work the next one we
have we’re gonna focus on that
midsection we’re gonna do mountain
climbers so for this you’re gonna get
down in position

7-day weight loss challenge for beginners

in that high plank palms directly under
your shoulders entire body in one line
you’re gonna get your knee towards your
chest and jump and alternate like it’s a
little hop all right so you’re gonna run
in place like that
we’re gonna do this for 45 seconds you
want to scale it down
just step and take it slow let’s go in
three two and one
steady pace here you want to sustain for
the entire 45 seconds
make sure you’re not lifting your hips
bring your knees towards your chest
keep breathing
you want to up the intensity you can
move a little faster
if you want to take it easy you can move
a little slower completely up to you
pick your face and just keep moving
almost there hang in there
keep breathing
do it with a big smile we’re done in
and one
excellent we’re gonna stay down join me
here for the elbow plank so what we’re
gonna do
your elbows here
directly under your shoulders
and you’re gonna step out onto your toes
entire body in one line squeeze those
abs and hold here for 45 seconds you
want to make it a little easier
on that high plank
and just hold yeah
down into that elbow plank
let’s get started in three
two one
keep your palms away from each other
pressed onto the ground makes it a
little more challenging
you know sucking that belly in abs tight
entire body in one line
try not to move your hips up
or too low
just in line with the rest of the body
breathe in and out
hold it here
gotta do that hard work to see those
great results right
almost there hang in there we’re done in
three two
that’s great work till now three
exercises done we’re gonna move on to
the fourth the flutter kicks so for this
you’re gonna sit back get your feet out
in front of you and you’re just gonna
alternate up and down if you wanna make
it a little harder get your hands off
you can clasp them in front
and do the same thing 45 seconds of hard
work here it’s gonna be a little tough
but we’re gonna get through this
together let’s go in three two and one
gonna keep your torso upright
at an angle try not to hunch over
shoulders back
neck neutral
and you’re just gonna stay here
and keep going with those flatter kicks
want to get that additional support
hands next to your hips
and keep moving
nice breaths here don’t forget about the
core on fire
i feel it too
almost there
hang in there
nice work
and we’re done in three
one excellent work we’re gonna stand up
for the next one the fifth movement high
knees so what we’re gonna do get your
knee up towards your chest hop alternate
and we’re gonna move a little faster
stay on your toes and if you wanna scale
it down a little bit you can do the high
knee much avoid the hop let’s get
started in three two and one
swing those arms to get extra momentum
you can start off slow and then pick up
the pace to increase the intensity and
you remember the scale down option you
can just march in place
come on let’s keep moving
nice and easy stay on your toes
bring the knees up nice and high towards
your chest stand up tall
swing those arms
you’re doing a fabulous job so far keep
we’re done in five
two and one
russian twist up next gonna get rid of
those obliques of the love handles let’s
get started we’re gonna sit down for
this one
and if you want to scale it down you’re
gonna keep your heels on the ground
torso up nice and tall
move from one side to the other side and
keep twisting want to scale it up make
it a little harder
heels off the ground try and stay
balanced here
and do the same thing let’s go for 45
in three two and one
your torso still keeps facing forward
you’re just twisting
and moving as fast as you can
again here
you wanna up the intensity keep moving
faster i’m going to scale it back a
little bit
heels down
and keep repeating the same thing you’re
going to feel this in the side
of your
come on don’t give up
stay strong
gotta work hard for those good results
almost there
and we’re done in five
and one
excellent stuff
all right the next one the seventh
movement we’re gonna stay down for this
one it’s the leg duck in so you’re gonna
get your legs out bring your knees
towards your chest and push back out
yeah if you want to scale it down hands
next to your hips scale it up hands off
and you’re gonna repeat the same thing
let’s get started 45 seconds in three
two and one
breathe out
when you extend your legs
nice and easy
keep moving
i know it’s a little tough if you want
to scale it down further drop down
and repeat the same
still gonna work towards getting those
we’re all in this together
keep moving
almost there
in three two
and one
all right i’m gonna get up
you guys have done a fabulous job so far
a little breathless after that intense
belly burn workout but that’s all right
before we move into the last movement i
invite you onto the cure fit app to try
out cure fit live
here you can work out with more trainers
like me who are going to guide you into
a stronger and leaner version of
yourself and towards those fitness goals
of yours so if you download the app
through the link in the description or
the first comment below you will get
free access for 14 days the last
movement that we have is the bicycle
crunches again it’s going to target your
entire abdomen and those obliques the
love handles as well so for this we’re
going to get down on the ground join me
lie back
opposite knee to elbow and repeat on the
same repeat the same on the other side
extend that other leg let’s go in three
two and one
the last 45 seconds here
you can do this
come on
keep breathing out when you feel those
abs contracting
when you’re bringing your knee and elbow
as together as you’re comfortable
you can even slow it down a little bit
completely up to you but just keep
almost at the finish line
do it with a big smile
come on
and we’re done in three
that was pretty intense
but we are done i’m sure you absolutely
smashed it guys remember that this is a
seven day challenge to lose your belly
fat and all i want to tell you is that
you gotta come back watch this video
work out with me again over the next
seven days yeah after you do this
challenge follow the right nutrition as
well trust me you’re surely gonna see
some real changes in your body for those
of you who are just starting off your
fitness journey let me tell you things
happen over time and not overnight so be
patient with yourself at the end of this
week you’re gonna surely notice a
stronger core and definitely feel fitter
along with the right workout it’s
important to supplement with the right