Hi, My name is jessica.
I was trying to lose weight 1 year ago, doing many exercises, diets, detox drinks made at home, I really drop some pounds, but not the weight I dream about.
at some point, I found a diet called EGG DIET from lossuweight. I read some comment on their website about the egg diet and I see people losing weight, and I descide to give it a try.
After 28 day I found myslef drop about 34 pounds! Wow I like that, it’s little bit hard but it worth it.
After that I decide to repeat it again so i can lose more extra weight, and after the 28 day I lost about 36Lbs.
That’s why I want to share with you my experience with this amazing diet, which lossuweight give it for free! it’s amazing to lose that weight I changed completly also have my mind clean and relaxed.
This diet amazing becuase :
The egg diet is a low carb diet which is related to the Atkins diet where the main goal is to restrict your carbohydrate intake. On this diet, you can have an unlimited amount of protein and fat but your carbohydrates must be controlled. Eggs are much less expensive than meat and can be used in unlimited quantities while on the egg diet.
Some facts about the egg diet
The egg diet is an exceptionally low carbohydrate diet, but eggs protect you from fat. Carbohydrates work as a fuel to fat cells, but as eggs contain such low levels of carbohydrates, you don’t eat anything which provides you fat and hence, it assists in keeping your cholesterol level lower.
if you wanna lose weight, first don’t lose hope! believe in yourself because it’s the biggest move. I’m not talking only about the egg diet, I’m talking about any diet you have, keep going until the end and try your best.
Best of luck
Regards, Jessi
Resources : EGG DIET