Guaranteed Healthy weight loss

The key foundation to weight loss

There are actually four key pillars to long term weight loss.

  1. Nutrition
  2. exercise
  3. rest
  4. positive attitude

All of these are very important factors to the success of your weight loss campaign but each of the these four key components should not be taken lightly. They need to be researched extensively if you are to attain the results they you physically desire.

It’s pretty easy to take the term GOOD NUTRITION and go to your local super market and stock up on healty foods for your weight loss regime. But the tricky part is that local grocery stores do not have your best interests in mind when it comes to your weight loss. Their number one priority is to make a profit off the foods that they sell even if it is at the cost of your weight loss goals or even worse your health. Sure there are some healthy foods that you can get from the local grocery store but you will need to research the product manufacturer to make sure the foods you are buying are not full of harmful chemicals which can do more harm than good even making you sick to the point of medication or hospitalization. The Silver bullet of good nutrition is to buy as much of your foods from local farmers markets that do not use dangerous chemicals to mass consumer needs and also profit greatly off their products. Sure I know the first thing you might be thinking is that local farmer markets are more expensive. But when when you factor in medication and hospital bills due to unhealthy foods bought at the grocery store you will find that in the long run and short run that more expensive locally grown foods are actually cheaper and safer to your health.

⦁ Exercise
Proper exercise is also greatly important. Pick courses and routines where you will not be performing exercises to hurt your body. Again…DO THE RESEARCH. Use good form always when doing exercises, never go beyond your limits, drink plenty of water throughout the day and during exercise.

The routine included at the end of this post is an excellent safe course if followed to the tee.