Different variations of Push-Ups

Push-ups are a compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Additionally, they engage the core muscles to stabilize the body during the movement. Push-ups can be modified to make them easier or more challenging, making them a versatile exercise for people of all fitness levels.

Some common push-up variations are:

  1. Standard push-up: Hands shoulder-width apart, body straight from head to heels, lower chest to the floor, and push back up.
  2. Wide push-up: Hands wider than shoulder-width apart, emphasizing chest and shoulder activation.
  3. Close-grip push-up: Hands closer than shoulder-width apart, emphasizing triceps activation.
  4. Incline push-up: Hands elevated on a bench or platform, reducing the load on the upper body.
  5. Decline push-up: Feet elevated on a bench or platform, increasing the load on the upper body.
  6. Pike push-up: Body forms an inverted V-shape with hands and feet on the floor, targeting shoulders and upper chest.
  7. Diamond push-up: Hands form a diamond shape under the chest, emphasizing triceps activation.
  8. Clapping push-up: Explosively push up, clap hands in mid-air, and land softly to resume the push-up.
  9. Spiderman push-up: Bring one knee to the elbow of the same side during the lowering phase, alternating sides with each repetition.

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