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Losing weight can be an uphill battle, especially if you’re just getting started. But don’t worry, because it’s totally possible to lose weight as a beginner, and with the right tips and tricks you can do it quickly and easily! Here are 10 tips that will help you lose weight as a beginner, so keep reading to learn how to get started on your weight loss journey today!

  1. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you follow periods of regular food consumption (e.g., 7-8 hours) with periods of fasting(12-14 hours) . This can be done one or two days per week, or every day if you prefer. When you’re intermittent fasting, you still consume the same number of calories and protein over the course of the week, but just more evenly distributed throughout the day.

  1. Small, Frequent Meals

One of the most common weight loss mistakes beginners make is skipping meals. It’s much better to eat many small, frequent meals during the day to keep your metabolism high and ward off cravings. If you don’t know what healthy recipes are available, try searching the internet for some ideas or just buy a pre-made meal or two from a grocery store. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious these meals can be!

  1. No Sugary Drinks

Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Fill up on water and get rid of sugary drinks. Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. Include protein-rich foods in your diet every three hours, since they can curb cravings, increase metabolism, and contribute to weight loss. Include whole grains with every meal. Avoid foods high in sugar or sodium and stick to low-calorie snacks between meals.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

It is recommended that the average person drink eight glasses of water a day, but if you are trying to lose weight then you should be sure to increase this amount. Water not only helps with regular bodily functions, but it also has other benefits such as being filling and helping regulate your metabolism. If possible, try to drink at least two cups of water before each meal.

  1. Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. This will ensure that you’re getting enough micronutrients to keep your body healthy, without ingesting too many calories from sugary processed foods. Sticking to these produce-based foods can also help reduce bloating and make you feel full longer. You don’t have to worry about eating too much because fruits have relatively low amounts of sugar and they tend to be lower in calories than most other things you could be snacking on.

  1. Go For Low Glycemic Load Foods

Low glycemic load foods (LGLs) are ones that do not cause the same spike in blood sugar levels as other carbs, sugars, and processed foods. For this reason, they tend to be lower in calories because the body doesn’t have to work so hard to regulate blood sugar levels. They also typically have more fiber which makes them take longer to digest, leading you to feel fuller faster.

  1. Take Baby Steps

If you are just starting to lose weight, make sure you take baby steps. It is always easier to accomplish small goals before tackling bigger ones. This will help keep you motivated when the process gets tough. If your goal is to lose twenty pounds in two months, try not to set yourself up for failure by asking too much of yourself too soon. Start off with a more manageable goal like losing five pounds and work from there. When it comes to exercise, don’t push yourself too hard either. Instead of aiming for three hours at the gym each day, shoot for an hour or two at first. Remember that it takes time to get into shape so be patient and persistent!

  1. Strength Training is Important

Strength training is an important aspect of weight loss and provides many other benefits, such as improved bone density, lower riskrriskisrrriskrrrisk of injury, improved coordination, and more. It also increases your resting metabolic rate so you burn more calories at rest. Your muscle also requires more energy to maintain than fat does. Plus, because muscles are stronger than fat cells, they take up less space in the body. A greater proportion of muscle will make it easier to lose weight and keep it off long-term.

  1. Move Around More Throughout The Day

One of the most important things you can do to lose weight is to make sure you move more throughout the day. Research has shown that people who sit more than 6 hours per day are 27% more likely to become obese. To counteract this, add standing meetings and other standing workouts into your daily routine to help get your blood flowing. You should also avoid sitting down too long between each workout so it doesn’t have time to rebuild your fat cells. Find an activity you enjoy doing when you’re feeling sedentary. I like to use my desk chair exercise ball or go on walks around my office building if I’ve been sitting at my desk for too long.

  1. Sleep Well To Lose Weight

Inadequate sleep is one of the leading causes of weight gain, yet many people don’t think about sleep when trying to lose weight. It may seem counterintuitive but not getting enough sleep can actually cause you to eat more. Your brain produces hormones called ghrelin and leptin that control your appetite and feelings of hunger. When you don’t get enough shut-eye, your levels of ghrelin are higher while your levels of leptin drop. As a result, you’re hungrier and less likely to feel full after eating - which means you’re going to be hungry more often. It’s important to make sure you’re getting at least seven hours of sleep every night so that your body has time to produce the proper amounts of these two hormones and regulate your appetite accordingly.

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