If you follow these steps you are guaranteed to lose weight.
Drink your water
I know you always hear this but that’s because it is true. It flushes out toxins, keeps you regular and controls your hunger. And the best part - it is caloriefree. For best results drink only water, black coffee and green tea without any additives.
If you don’t like the taste of water you can put cut up fruit and vegetables in your water for extra flavor. -
Eat as many whole foods as possible
This includes whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds, vegetables and meat. Good examples are oats, brown rice, all fruits and vegetables and lean meat as in lean beef and poultry.
If you base your meals around these high fiber foods you will stay fuller for longer for less calories. Spice it up with lots of herbs and spices to make it taste extra delicious. -
Find an exercise you like
There’s no point in running for hours on the treadmill if you hate running. This is not sustainable and for permanent weightloss you need to be sustainable. Start playing tennis with your friends, go for walks with your neighbors dog, go swimming, lift weights. The best exercise is the one you actually do, so stop being so hard on your self and do something you actually love! -
Be patient
If you’ve been overweight for years, you’re not going to be skinny in a week, aim for at least a year of weight loss and lay out a plan for best results. Be realistic. -
It’s okay to eat chocolate
Remember how we talked about sustainability? What’s not sustainable is cutting out foods that you love. If you love chocolate then have some, restricting yourself is only going to make you want it more. I started allowing myself to have chocolate whenever i wanted and at first it was everyday, I just tried to eat it without feeling guilty. It is important to take the power away from the food, you are the one with the power. Now I can have a chocolatebar at home for days, maybe I will take one little piece after dinner because I feel like it.
Think about it like starvation. If you can’t eat for a week, you will be superhungry and eat ANYTHING when you can eat again. Same with treats, if you want treats but dont allow yourself to eat them you are starving yourself. And the next time you give in to your chocolate, you will eat everything in sight. This is more of a psychological starvation than a psyiological, but the results are the same - overeating.
Track your food
Oftentimes when you try to eat healthy you wont lose weight because you eat too many calories. Weightloss is a simple equation of calories in and calories out. You need to eat less than you burn.
You cant be eating lots and lots of nuts and oils everyday and expect to lose weight so if you feel that you have no idea how many calories you’re actually consuming then I recommend downloading a calorietrackerapp. I personally think Lifesum is the best, it’s free and supereasy to use. I also recommend buying a foodscale for higher accuracy. You can easily find out your daily calorie goal, just google it. -
Sleep well
Remember to have at least 8 hours of sleep every night, loss of sleep can actually make you gain weight because it raises your cortisollevels. Stress also does this so sleep well, live a stressfree life and meditate. -
Set a goal
You need to know WHY you are doing this, do you have health issues? Do you want to be able to play with your kids or grand kids? Do you just want to look hot? Know your why and then set a goal, my recommendation is to have one big goal but split it up into small goals that are attainable. For example your big goal can be to lose 20 pounds and your first small goal can be to lose 2 pounds, 2 pounds seem more attainable than 20 right? When you reach different milestones you can reward yourself for extra motivation. -
Don’t give up if you slip up
The first thing you should do is just accept that you are not going to lose all the weight without a single slip up. The worst thing you can do is think oh well I ruined everything I can just give up, one highcalorie meal isn’t going to ruin your progress. Just eat it and enjoy and continue with your life. The second thing you shouldn’t do is restrict yourself the day after. Just eat as you normally would’ve. The only thing you can do is drink more water the day after. And for the love of god, don’t weigh yourself after a day with lots of carbs and salt. These bind water and make it look like you gained a few pounds. But this is just water and will be flushed out again after a couple days if you drink plenty of water. -
Last but not least
If you feel like these tips aren’t enough, like you want something more to help you boost your weightloss even more, please check out my link for further information! https://bossgirlhealth.com/report
Good luck with your weight loss journey