Why do you want to lose weight?

Clearly we are all here because we want to lose weight. My question is, why do you want to lose weight? You don’t like the way you look? Is your health in danger? Are you losing weight for yourself or others?

This is a really good question, Ashley! Unfortunately I think the majority of us want to lose weight in order to look better and feel better in our own skin.

I’ve heard an inspirational story today. So there’s this chick who gets slim for her boyfriend, right? Things go bad between them, but years later she’s still slim ahaha

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I get tired easily. I also sweat a lot. I don’t feel comfortable in certain clothes anymore.

Last time I had some problems with my health. So for recovery I need to lose some weight. During my last medical ultrasound examination on new equipment like this https://bimedis.com/search/search-items/medical-imaging-equipment-ultrasound-equipment doctor prescribed me diet and fitness.

good Question, obesity it’s dangerous for our health, losing weight diets, exercises are the way to lose that weight. human body is a great, but we are destroying it. so the reason Why I want to lose weight is keep my health good for long, good shape, nice thinking.

Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

To be healthy and can wear any type of clothes.

To stay healthy and I can do my daily routine in life. Right now I am chubby, its okay with me its not really a problem, but I start and I decide to work out to loss weight.

Just like everyone else, I wanted to lose weight because of my health. I do not want to be prone to sickness like high cholesterol, high blood, etc. One more reason I guess is to have a better physical appearance. To have the ability to do things and not be hindered by my weight or size.

I love the way I look, but I’ve witnessed my friend got in and out of hospital because of his weight. So I choose to have a better health for myself and for ny family.

Actually i am contented with my looks and body, but i realized that i high weight or being fat is not that easy, i once being bullied and cant find jobs. so i think twice before i decide that maybe o have to change not just for the other but for myself.