Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies and Juicing can make us Healthy!

Reducing weight is the hardest but gaining weight is the easiest! Well I think that statement is true. I’ve researching about healthy diet that can help me reduce my weight and I found this fruit and vegetable juiced and smoothies which we can easily make at home. From there I became an avid fan of it, I tried experimenting different fruits and mix it with my favorite vegetable using my Vitamix blender. I search for new recipes and add it to my thing to blend. And from there on with the right amount of food intake and of course a daily exercise routine I became more healthy. How about you? what do you do to become and live healthy? And also I would gladly recommend you to visit this site which became a big help to my blending and juicing time.

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Which combinations did you try? There are a lot of smoothie recipes on this forum as well, but I’m curious what worked for you.

Also, do you know of any combinations of fruits and vegetables that aren’t recommended?

I guess Nina isn’t going to share more with us :frowning: