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Please use this thread to ask about weight-loss related questions that don’t need a lengthy explanation.


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What are the different types of milk?

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What are the different types of milk?

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The primary types of milk sold in stores are: whole milk, reduced-fat milk (2%), low-fat milk (1%), and fat-free milk. The percentages included in the names of the milk indicate how much fat is in the milk by weight.
Whole milk is 3.5% milk fat and is the closest to the way it comes from the cow before processing. Consumers that want to cut calories and fat have multiple options; reduced-fat milk contains 2% milk fat and low-fat milk contains 1% milk fat. Fat-free milk, also called nonfat or skim, contains no more than 0.2% milk fat.

All of these milks contain the nine essential nutrients found in whole milk but less fat. The United States government sets minimum standards for fluid milk that is produced and sold. Reduced fat milks have all of the nutrients of full fat milk; no water is added to these types of milk.



hi. would just like to ask for a way to know if im overweight or just normal. i sometimes do heavy work so I’m kinda muscular in some parts particularly my arms, but my weight is at 175lbs. any help?

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does eating salty foods really make you gain weight??? if so, how much did you gain? thinking whether i should lay off the chips from now on… :disappointed_relieved:

You can try and compute for your BMI, it’s not definitive (and sometimes, inaccurate) but it’s a good place to start. Could give you an idea where you place. Some football athletes can even be categorized as obese when BMI is used, but in reality, they’re much healthier than others.


Well, I’ve read that sodium does cause water retention so that’s where some of the weight comes from. A lot of salty foods also have saturated fats which can contribute to the problem.

but imo, chips can probably be enjoyed in moderation. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@taylorelizabeth is right. It’s not accurate but could help you a bit.

You can check for your BMI by using this formula:
BMI = (your weight in kg) / (your height in meters squared)

You can categorize your result here:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obese = BMI of 30 or greater

I computed for mine and I’m overweight, almost obese. I’m working on that now.

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thanks… i fall into the overweight category. i work in construction part time so there’s some heavy lifting involved whenever there’s a project. was thinking maybe i still need to lose a few more pounds and some of this belly fat.

this is helpful. thank you.


what’s skinny fat? I think i have it and how do you get rid of it?

Chips are pure carbs, so you don’t have to worry about salt here. Salt only blocks water in your body, which may cause your feet to swell for example.

Skinny fat is when you are skinny, but you have fat on your stomach or thighs or upper arms. This is usually removed with cardio and no special diet.

What is the essential weight for 5’2" in height for a 36 yrs single mom?

According to this chart, for 5’ 2", the normal weight is 104 to 135 lbs.; overweight is 136 to 163 lbs.; obese is 164 to 213 lbs. However, I wouldn’t take these charts into consideration.

Thank you @MerePadurete for your interaction of my query. :wink:

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Do you feel fat? If you do, then you should probably lose some weight. Framing your body in an ideal BMI without having to do so isn’t healthy. Diets have an awful yo yo effect that you should consider before starting.

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